
What Is The Hurricane Heat?

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Beyond the mileage of the Spartan Race Trifecta stands the Hurricane Heat, or HH. As a team-based event designed to push racers to greater personal distances, you quickly learn the value and true meaning of having mutual objectives through teamwork. You also see the connection between teamwork and success and one drives the other on both a personal level and as a member of something greater than yourself.

The foundation of the HH is based on a code called “The Warrior’s Ethos,” which is 23 words comprising four main principles with centuries of meaning behind them. This ethos serves to provide a spark to warm you on the coldest of mornings and guide you on darkest of nights as it will guide you and as a critical step towards the pinnacle of Spartan — the Agoge. The Hurricane Heat is where you learn non-traditional problem solving, find endurance under duress, and experience the power of synergy.

There are no timing chips and no bibs. There is no individual competition. Once immersed in the HH culture, you quickly find your “why” and a renewed sense of purpose for taking on this challenge. With a gear list in your email inbox, the onus is on you to come prepared for four hours of intense demanding work with plenty of mental and physical challenges. Each HH is a unique experience directly related to the individuality of the venue, as well as the cadre in charge. You will be challenged. As a team, you will succeed.

Successful finishers earn an HH dog tag, a finisher t-shirt, entry into a closed networking group, and the chance of a lifetime discovering the camaraderie derived only from becoming a Hurricane Heater.

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